In what looks to be like play within a play, it has emerged that the man linked to controversial city lawyer Conrad Maloba was last evening spotted in Nairobi’s Kilimani area even as reports emerged that he had fled to the UK after stealing millions from his law firm.
According to a reliable source aware of the matter, the man was spotted in his official suit hence raising questions on the allegations that the Conrad Maloba, Nick Ndeda Law Firm has been defrauded millions by him.
According to the investigator, many questions like, Did he have a bank password? Did the law firm trust him with cash? And how did Lawyer Conrad Maloba, a man known for his prowess and previous financial controversy and scandal allow his firm to be looted?
Several complainants have also revealed to this publication that Conrad Maloba and Nick Ndeda’s Law Firm owe them millions of shillings.
” Nazir Bhaduralli Nurmohammad, lied to us that he is an advocate attached to Controversial city lawyer Conrad Maloba under Conrad Law Advocate LLP and then proceeded to use tricks to defraud us millions,” said the complainant.
The source added that, later after that, he had news that the firm had lost millions the allegations he said were false and aimed to conceal the deadly fraud lawyer Conrad Maloba and the team defrauded him and their team.
” No, this is a foul play, no money was lost, these guys must stop playing with our minds as they defrauded Millions, we want the DCI to intervene,” a source added.
Another source revealed that lawyer Conrad Maloba and Nick Ndeda alongside Fake Lawyer Jinnah have a joint account hence difficult to lose millions.
Nazir Bhaduralli has been implicated in several fraud syndicates and the court recently convicted him on the charges of impersonating an advocate of the High Court.