Elvis Muga Ouma
It is in the public domain within the republic of Kenya that among 4 suspects accused of Defrauding a foreigner, 100,000 Dollars is Elvis Ouma Muga, Muga is not new to gold fraud and we can categorically brand him as ‘ A dangerous dealer to work with
If the Kenyan Directorate of Criminal Investigations is something to go by, Muga alongside, Susan Wanjeri Kori, Nazlin Karim, and Hubbard Kanyago are notorious gold fraudsters.
According to the court papers presented in court on December 11, 2024, they were jointly charged with multiple counts of conspiracy to defraud contrary to the penal code.

The court heard that they all conspired to defraud a Niger businessman millions of money purporting to be Customs Official based in Nairobi, Kenya. A fact they knew to be false.
The problem began when the victim whose company is in Dubai was defrauded USD 5,000,000 between February 2024 and December. If the court documents are something to go by.
The accused person alledgly took the said millions from the complainant on the ground that it was meant for the purchase, clearance, and transportation of 100kg of gold to Dubai from Mali.
The DCI reported that the accused persons were arrested from various parts of Nairobi after a serious search by the Kenyan DCI officers.
It’s in the public interest that Muga faced previous charges related to gold fraud and is branded as a ‘notorious gold fraudster’.
After denying the charges at the Milimani courts, Muga and his accomplices were released on Sh 500,000 cash bail each.
The case will proceed next year for a further hearing